Only the great rose of the façade, whose thousand colours were engulfed by a horizontal sunbeam, shone in the shadows like a jumble of diamonds and echoed their dazzling spectre at the other end of the nave. The counter-naves were full of darkness, and the lamps of the chapels were beginning to twinkle, the vaults becoming black. Works Of Victor Hugo: Les Miserables, Notre-Dame De Paris, Man Who Laughs, Toilers Of The Sea, Poems & More (Mobi Collected Works). “The cathedral was already dark and deserted. Its rays, more and more horizontal, are slowly withdrawing from the pavement of the square, and rise along the steep façade, with the thousand round bumps protruding from their shadows, while the great central rose blazes like the eye of a cyclops inflamed by the reverberations of the forge.” A light in the heart of darkness Reviews arent verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content. It is the moment when the sun, already heading for the horizon, looks almost directly opposite the cathedral. Grâce à ces nombreux écrits, Victor Hugo connait un franc succès et son oeuvre continue de faire retentir les cloches avec plusieurs adaptations cinématographiques et théâtrales. Especially on those days of clarity, warmth and serenity, there comes a time when we must admire the portal of Notre-Dame. Notre-Dame de Paris est un roman incontournable depuis sa première publication en 1831. With Notre-Dame de Paris, Hugo depicts the vibrant, intense atmosphere of 15th century Paris, a vision that brought forth a resurgent fascination for the Gothic Era, making the cathedral of Notre-Dame a global architectural icon and paving the way for the preservation of cultural heritage.“It was one of those spring days of such sweetness and beauty that all of Paris, spread across squares and promenades, celebrated like a Sunday. More commonly known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Victor Hugos Romantic novel of dark passions and unrequited love, Notre-Dame de Paris, is translated. Widely acclaimed as one of the most influential writers of all time, Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) was the forefront author of the Romantic Literary movement, producing an exceptional variety of genres that came to define the artistic turn of the 19th century, including the national French Epic The Legend of the Ages and the dramatic tale of Les Misérables. 'Notre-Dame de Paris' est un roman historique de Victor Hugo, publié en 1831.

Cuando Victor Hugo escribió Notre Dame de Paris, en los últimos meses de 1830, presionado por su editor Gosselin. And in the shadows of the bell towers, the broken figure of Quasimodo watches love turns to hatred as the fate of Notre-Dame is drawn into a tale of lust and vengeance. El altar rodeado de escombros carbonizados dentro de la Catedral de Notre Dame. In the vaulted towers of Notre-Dame, dark passions haunt the tortured priest Frollo, whose hidden love for young Esmeralda corrupts a pious soul with forbidden remorse.