Let’s talk about the fucking fact that instead of being there by his side with me, you chose to escape the fucking reality that our son won’t make it to six years old.” Let’s talk about the fact that instead of helping him, you’re just helping yourself. “Let’s talk about the fact that our son is in his room dying. “Let’s what? Let’s talk about this?” I throw my head back and laugh. I shake my head, putting my hands in my pockets. Tears are rolling down her cheeks, her perfectly made up face now streaked with the black mascara she always wears. “Zack,” my wife says, and I look over at her again. “You come here and sleep with my wife with my son under the same roof.” “It just so happened you walked into my house and slept with my wife?” I ask him, and I have to wonder why I’m not more pissed, why I’m not more angry with them. We were on the road for the whole week and due back tomorrow, but I hightailed it out of there to get home to my family and my son. His knee is still wrapped from the operation he had last month, which is why he wasn’t on the road with us, which is how I surprised them. “It just happened,” Colton says, getting out of the bed. Then I look over at the man who I called a brother, the man who stood by my side on and off the ice. No matter how much I saw her push me away, no matter that I always suspected she was cheating on me. “It’s over.” I say the two words I swore I wouldn’t say no matter how hard it got. ” she starts to say, and I look over at the man in bed next to her. The four-carat engagement with matching eternity wedding ring glistens in the light. The woman who said she would love me in good times and in bad yet is currently holding a sheet to cover her naked body.

“Zack.” I hear her voice and just look at my wife.